trumpism Air Force veteran Reality Winner is serving 5 years for blowing the whistle on Russian election interference, while Trump's Russia-dealing cronies are going free Cory Doctorow
politics Former NSA contractor Reality Winner sentenced to 5+ years in prison for leaking secret report on Russian election hacking to The Intercept Xeni Jardin
News Reality Winner will plead guilty to Espionage Act charges for leaking NSA doc on Russia election hack Xeni Jardin
spooks Reality Winner profile is a beautiful portrait of a brilliant, principled patriot who messed up Cory Doctorow
News Sen. Mark Warner: Russia attacks on U.S. elections were way worse than NSA leaks and Intercept article suggest Xeni Jardin
News Reality Leigh Winner, 25, arrested and charged with leaking top-secret NSA docs on Russia hacks to The Intercept Xeni Jardin
drugs YouTube star arrested for allegedly supplying ravers with snake venom to get high David Pescovitz
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tabloids Biden health crisis and Britain's clown prince in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
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enslavement Stolen Relations: recovering stories of indigenous enslavement in the Americas A.E. Gómez