Roman-era Barbarians snorted drugs from tiny spoons on their belts to get fired up for fighting Allan Rose Hill
archaeology Archaeologist braves the Joe Rogan podcast to counter Graham Hancock's nonsense Jennifer Sandlin
maga Ashley St. Clair: latest member of the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party who is surprised that leopards are eating her face Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Covid cover-up, UFO cover-up, and Trump's sadistic sex tapes in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
white supremacists in america Nick Fuentes gives Nazi salute, says he will do anything for Trump — even torture and kill Carla Sinclair
kickstarter Sneak Peek at the new Dracula prequel comic from Grendel creator Matt Wagner and Batman artist Kelley Jones Thom Dunn
tabloids JFK's second gunman, and alien life on Earth, exposed in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
crime "Bugger it": Australian cop tases and kills 95-year-old woman with dementia in her care home Rob Beschizza
ancient artifacts What is the function of these mysterious ancient Roman dodecahedrons? Mark Frauenfelder
rare finds Hiker sees something sparkle on the trail, only to discover Roman coins buried over 2,000 years ago Carla Sinclair