fish At least 6 sharks have washed up on shores with swordfish swords stabbed through their heads Thom Dunn
happy mutants Robot-fronted band Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra's latest: "Sea Anemones (aka Shark Wigs)" Rusty Blazenhoff
Crowd-fearing funghi Nintendo's cute Toad started TikTok trend dancing with fans at Universal — until he snapped (video) Carla Sinclair
eastern equine encephalitis Deadly mosquito virus kills a man near Boston, causing parks and events to shut down Carla Sinclair
sharks 14-year-old boy at Florida lifeguard camp needs to be rescued after a shark bites his leg Carla Sinclair
excuses Trump's bizarre shark-battery speech scares GOP — let's "pass on first debate" says Sean Hannity (video) Carla Sinclair
dogs Pampered pooches jet set in style: inside the world's first airline designed for dogs Yoy Luadha
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