politics New pick for high-level State Department job: "Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work." Ellsworth Toohey
diplomacy US Secretary of State covers "Hoochie Coochie Man"on guitar at State Department function Thom Dunn
surveillance State Dept launches 'Free the Press' campaign while DOJ asks Supreme Court to force NYT's James Risen to jail Trevor Timm
los angeles Watch: LA firefighter in SUV was swept into ocean by mudslide (he escapes!) Carla Sinclair
politics House Dem introduces "Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy" (ELON MUSK) Act Ellsworth Toohey
crime California cops got caught being naughty with their database privileges 7,000+ times in one year Ellsworth Toohey
donald trump Donald Trump's expensive, chaotic, no good, very bad deportation debacle Jason Weisberger
politics Condoms blow up in Trump's face, Elon's space rescue, and other stupid things Jason Weisberger