sharks 14-year-old boy at Florida lifeguard camp needs to be rescued after a shark bites his leg Carla Sinclair
boomer solutions Beach town in Finland had a rowdy youth problem — until it blasted classical music Carla Sinclair
News Eight high school students hospitalized after cannabis edibles on LA field trip Mark Frauenfelder
heroic acts A 13-year-old boy takes over a school bus after the driver passes out (video) Carla Sinclair
teens Girl, 16 texts friends video of herself engaging in sex act. She's a child pornographer, Maryland high court rules Xeni Jardin
Science Teen self-injects verses from the Bible and the Koran that have been transposed into DNA Cory Doctorow
happy mutants To do in LA this Saturday: I'm speaking at the Pasadena Loves YA festival! Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Swarm and Nexus: finishing the Zeroes trilogy with perfect form, as powered teens threaten each other — and the world Cory Doctorow
1980s Videocam footage of wild 1980s teen house party ending with the police showing up, as they do David Pescovitz