books An early peek at 'The Jungle Book,' new Disney live-action remake of Kipling classic Xeni Jardin
Boing Boing Shop Grab the popcorn! You're in for exciting, educational content when you grab Curiosity Stream Boing Boing's Shop
Robert Anton Wilson "A Ugandan hunter is tranquilizing gorillas and dressing them in clown suits" — the origins of a crazy story that lives on Mark Frauenfelder
Great3Dreams Ever seen a marble play music via bouncing through a xylophone-and-banana Rube Goldberg machine? Jennifer Sandlin
Funny David Attenborough-style videos feature "garden gremlins" stealing garden snacks Jennifer Sandlin
climate change Tom Comitta brings sole voice of reason to "This is Fine" Death Valley tourists Jennifer Sandlin
movies Stepping Softly on the Earth and Beyond Fordlandia, two documentaries by Marcos Colón Elías Villoro
History English commoners' rights come from The Charter of the Forest, not the Magna Carta Elías Villoro