politics New book reveals why MAGA cult adores Trump: he's "openly corrupt, a liar, racist, and sadistic" Mark Frauenfelder
politics In his sex-obsessed newsletter, Paul Gosar calls for General Milley to be executed Mark Frauenfelder
threats against democracy Donald Trump says he will take NBC and other news outlets off the air if he wins in 2024 Carla Sinclair
donald trump Conman Trump tells GOP to shut down the government to stop his criminal trials (which it won't) Carla Sinclair
movies On this day in 1943, the Office of War Information won an Academy Award for Best Documentary Elías Villoro
marjorie taylor greene Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Black people to be "proud" of statues of their treasonous enslavers Mark Frauenfelder
transphobia Sen. Josh Hawley doesn't know if a woman who had her uterus removed is still a woman Mark Frauenfelder
activists The Russian Embassy in DC just got a makeover with a smart new sign: President Zelensky Way Carla Sinclair
U.S. Civil War 2.0 "The next US civil war is already here" says Stephen Marche of The Guardian Mark Frauenfelder
bad messaging A California restaurant's odd sign requires proof of being UNvaccinated, then shames these folks Carla Sinclair
michael flynn Retired major general of US Army: "Michael Flynn should be court-martialed for treason" Carla Sinclair
marjorie taylor greene All the reasons why QAnon Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene is a toxic threat, and how easy it would be for Congress to expel her Mark Frauenfelder
surveillance Facebook has hired the Patriot Act's co-author and "day-to-day manager" to be its new general counsel Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism The weird grift of "sovereign citizens": where UFOlogy meets antisemitism by way of Cliven Bundy and cat-breeding Cory Doctorow