competition Competition is fierce in 'Sheep to Shawl,' where teams have 3 hours to weave a shawl from freshly-shorn sheep Rusty Blazenhoff
new york city Teeter on the edge of your seat watching this cyclist race through Manhattan Natalie Dressed
book reviews A new art book, "Mask Garden," reveals the psychological horror of vintage UK paperback covers Mister Dobo
genetics Mutant worms engineered with spider genes spin silk six times tougher than bulletproof Kevlar David Pescovitz
software The Japanese factory that uses 40-year-old software to design its traditional textiles Rusty Blazenhoff
Boing Boing Gadgets Take a cruise with this smooth, stealthy eBike for half off this Memorial Day Boing Boing's Shop
movies Rick Dalton, the fictional character from Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, has died Devin Nealy
music Is the Trailer Park Boys' Jim Leahy dancing like Ian Brown from the Stone Roses? ElĂas Villoro