Rock n Roll Todd Rundgren talks about the infamous recording sessions for XTC's Skylarking Gareth Branwyn
America Send your 5-year-old to Chick-fil-A summer camp to learn how to "take a guest order" and "box" their "own nuggets" Jennifer Sandlin
emergency landings United flight to Boston diverts when passengers notice "wing coming apart" (video) Carla Sinclair
fun "This site will self-destruct" finally self-destructs after no-one signs guestbook for 24 hours Rob Beschizza
politics Pelosi hammer attacker David DePape tearfully testifies that he was radicalized by Gamergate Rob Beschizza
half-eaten bananas Italy's far-right Prime Minister dumps her boyfriend to distance herself from his constant sexist comments Rob Beschizza
Business BBC: former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO hosted events where young men were exploited and abused Rob Beschizza
music Australian First Nations hard rock school band wants to play with their idols, KISS Jennifer Sandlin
gadgets HP covers printer's USB port with warning sticker to make sure you don't go right ahead and use it Rob Beschizza
california Ban of Skittles and other toxic foods approved by California State Assembly, bill now heads to state's Senate Rusty Blazenhoff
police Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies ordered to disclose their law enforcement gang tattoos and report those of other cops Rob Beschizza