Magenta is the color of danger in new climate change heat risk chart

pink and beige digital wallpaper

Step aside, color red, there's a new, scariest hue in town. This Earth Day, the National Weather Service and the Centers for Disease Control announced a new, color-coded heat risk system. And the worst case scenario is represented by magenta.

The AP reports that this terrifying rainbow begins with green (little to no risk) up through yellow, orange, red and now, the new Big Bad, magenta. — Read the rest

These frogs look like something from Studio Ghibli

White's tree frogs

These frogs are White's tree frogs, also known as Australian green tree frogs or dumpy tree frogs (rude), and are absolutely characters from a Studio Ghibli film. They don't seem to be very good at distinguishing food from a person's finger, but apparently, frog bites are slimy but not painful.  — Read the rest

This trailer for Jim Henson Idea Man made me cry

Three people died too young and broke my heart: Jim Henson, Douglas Adams, and Carrie Fisher. Of those, at least Jim Henson's legacy continues through the characters — and entire worlds — he created. I am old enough that Sesame Street has been around my whole life and was an essential part of my childhood. — Read the rest

Toxic influencer Andrew Tate to stand trial on sex trafficking and rape charges

andrew tate charges

Incel influencer Andrew Tate (37) and his brother Tristan (35) will be tried in Romania on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women, reports The Guardian. The Tates were indicted 10 months ago, spending several months under house arrest while authorities investigated the allegations,

Unsurprisingly, Tate is wailing about the "unlawful" decision to proceed to trial. — Read the rest