Twitter users will no longer be able to hide their blue checks

Elon Musk

Twitter recently imposed blue checkmarks, previously assigned only to people paying to use the site, on all users meeting a certain threshold of paid followers. And soon users assigned blue checkmarks will no longer be able to hide them.

The blue checkmark, originally a form of verification and implicit status, was turned into a paid feature after Elon Musk's takeover of the site. — Read the rest

HP covers printer's USB port with warning sticker to make sure you don't go right ahead and use it

HP wants you to print things through its cloud service, wherein you pay a subscription fee for ink and your usage is routed through its servers. To encourage you to do this, it covers the USB port on one model with a sticker with a No Smoking-style "No USB" logo on it–lest you simply plug in your printer and start printing things with it before you've endured the hard sell via network setup. — Read the rest

Celebrating the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation with mixed-media meme art

Andrew Wodzianski is a DC-area artist whose work often riffs off of nerdy pop cultural touchstones and ephemera. His pieces make references to comic books, 8-bit video games, monster movies, and tabletop gaming.

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation, September 28, 1987, he created pieces of meme-styled art that draw inspiration from the Star Trek coloring books and ship blueprints of his youth. — Read the rest

Enjoy this gallery of memes celebrating Facebook and Instagram outages

The world is temporarily a better place with Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, Oculus VR, and Instagram being inaccessible right now. Twitter, unfortunately, is still operating, but at least people are posting some funny memes about it!

The Verge's explanation for why the sites aren't working is as clear as mud:

While it's unclear exactly why the platforms are unreachable for so many people, their DNS records show that, like last week's Slack outage, the problem is apparently DNS (it's always DNS).

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