The 2023 graduating class at Massachusetts Institute of Technology had their commencement speech delivered by engineer, inventor, and YouTuber Mark Rober. Most notably, he punctuated his speech with a twist on the traditional graduation cap toss by attaching a drone to his mortarboard and sending it flying above MIT's Great Dome. — Read the rest
Mark Rober, renowned for his anti-theft GlitterBombs, showed up at a San Jose Sharks hockey game to deliver a public service announcement. — Read the rest
This is it. Mark Rober has just dropped his last GlitterBomb. After four years of dousing porch pirates in glitter and fart spray, his fifth and final over-engineered piece is left in vehicles to tempt a ring of thieves in San Francisco. — Read the rest
Former NASA Engineer turned YouTuber Mark Rober is probably best known for his anti-porch-pirate Glitter Bombs but, during a longer First We Feast segment, he shares his trick for always winning a coin toss.
Mark has a new project in the works, a "hidden-camera, science-focused prank" show on Discovery Channel called Revengineers. — Read the rest
Someone stole a package from my porch 4 years ago and police wouldn't do anything about it. So I made it my life's work to engineer some relatively harness karmic justice. Here's is this year's submission. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals.
Former Apple and NASA engineer turned YouTube sensation Mark Rober (previously) decided to spend his quarantine birdwatching until his neighbourhood squirrels defeated his supposedly squirrel-proof birdfeeders.
Looks like the government shutdown didn't stop federal agents from shutting down the most popular "deep web" illegal drug market. In San Francisco, federal prosecutors have indicted Ross William Ulbricht, who is said to be the founder of Silk Road. The internet marketplace allowed users around the world to buy and sell drugs like heroin, cocaine, and meth. — Read the rest
Telemarketers are constantly calling me at home, so a few months ago I decided to get my own back. When a guy called from some satellite TV sort of company thingy (it's always so vague) I had a bit of fun.
Esteemed vernacular photography collector Robert Jackson presents us with an array of curious vintage photographs featuring questionable question marks.
Please allow me the honor of presenting to you one of the great moments in the history of television in the 1970s. Up there with the Watergate Hearings, Bobby Riggs vs. Billie Jean King, and Sammy Davis, Jr. kissing Archie Bunker. — Read the rest
Antisemitic, anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he's turning his back on the Democratic party and will continue his presidential candidacy as an Independent, as first reported by Mediaite. He plans to make an official announcement on October 9 in Pennsylvania. — Read the rest
In case anyone was unawares, racist space laser expert Marjorie Taylor Greene is also a virologist who specializes in Covid-19 — as the woman of science proves when she comes to the rescue of fellow racist and virologist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — Read the rest
Prince Harry and Meghan just can't win. If they are together all the time the tabloids say he's "henpecked" and "under her thumb." If he goes off to explore the possibility of an Africa-themed film or TV production, their marriage is supposedly on the rocks. — Read the rest
Imagine being a Partner at a law firm that argues cases before the Supreme Court and getting a call from the Chief Justice's wife asking for business as a recruiter. You would likely hire her immediately on the hope that it helps any case you might have before her husband's court, and if the lawyers she recruits for you are any good, that is just a bonus! — Read the rest
One of the most persistent critiques frequently lobbed at the modern era of filmmaking is that Hollywood is in the middle of a creativity crisis. The rise of mega blockbusters-with budgets starting at $200 million- and the success of the Marvel cinematic universe has created a false perception among disgruntled cinephiles and industry professionals alike that auteurs have suddenly become an endangered species in Tinseltown. — Read the rest
Image comics of today are nothing like the ones created back in the 90s. When Image first started, the publisher was both an exciting prospect and something of a joke within the industry. Despite early Image producing countless amazing comics, the negative association with some of the medium's more odious 90s trends unintentionally gave the company a tainted rep. — Read the rest
Police departments in America have a lot of unnecessary military hardware, thanks to sweetheart deals between legislators and arms dealers that allow for layers of creative financial accounting as long as your weapons get "donated" after the armed forces no longer need them. — Read the rest
Nine people have become severely ill with symptoms that include blurred vision, spiked heart rates, delirium, and hallucinations after eating Riviera Farms baby spinach from Costco in Australia. Riviera Farms says the spinach was likely tainted by a weed, according to BBC. — Read the rest