comedy Watch "Turn-On" a 1969 comedy TV show that got canceled in the middle of the first episode Mark Frauenfelder
books Lost nearly had a completely different leader, who probably wouldn't have grown a beard Jamie Frevele
Delightful Creatures LAX Customs officers intercept 37 giant, live beetles disguised as snacks Jason Weisberger
new hampshire Man riding ski lift plunges to the ground — along with his chair: "Nightmare fuel" Carla Sinclair
guns Man arrested for shooting and killing stoned friend who said he could "dodge a bullet" Allan Rose Hill
shoddy propaganda machines Trump's new email system blasts 13,000 workers with vulgar message: "Tired of working for a complete c*nt?" Carla Sinclair
Technology Video Game History Foundation to release scans of 1,500 vintage gaming magazines Ellsworth Toohey
trademark US Patent and Trademark Office thinks people will confuse a hockey team with a cooler Gail Sherman