fuckups "Oops!" U.S. military mistakenly ships live anthrax to nine state labs and South Korea Mark Frauenfelder
law Hacktivist sees too much, FBI lock him up on child-porn charges, produce no evidence Cory Doctorow
Unsurprisingly an Anti-Vaxxer who got sick at a Texas conspiracy theorist convention died of COVID-19 and not anthrax Jason Weisberger
It was aliens While the simplest answer is COVID-19, a convention of conspiracy theorists decides they have anthrax Jason Weisberger
COVID-19 Army officer with smallpox and anthrax vaccinations says he's quitting because required Covid vaccine restricts freedom Mark Frauenfelder
mysteries $40,000 reward to solve mystery of 58 pregnant cows found dead in a wildlife refuge David Pescovitz
National Geographic With Covid still surging, who's in the mood for TV's upcoming Hot Zone: Anthrax? Carla Sinclair
tabloids Aretha Franklin murdered, Kevin Spacey in slaying scandal, and Obama's secret lover, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Entertainment 'Mars' Season 2 is a perfect blend of fiction and science-based documentary Adam Gelbart