Eastbound and down Watch a driver ignore other stalled cars and dive right into a flooded road Jason Weisberger
Tokyo Smoothbrain launches fireworks in the middle of Tokyo's busiest pedestrian intersection Mark Frauenfelder
bad ideas [video] Woman faces charges for hitting a golf ball and throwing a golf club into the Grand Canyon Mark Frauenfelder
bad ideas TikToker reads one-star reviews of new conservative dating app, The Right Stuff (video) Carla Sinclair
bad ideas Couple who turned a waterfall blue for their gender reveal party are under investigation for environmental damage Mark Frauenfelder
china Chinese government punishes 27 people for "tragically ugly" illustrations in kids' math books Mark Frauenfelder
air travel Gentleman crams suitcase into bag size checker at airport, it gets stuck Mark Frauenfelder
bad ideas Police seeking healer who advised pregnant woman to hammer a nail in her head to ensure a male child Mark Frauenfelder
marketing Sending clowns to hang around elementary schools proves to be a bad idea for a marketing campaign David Pescovitz
bad ideas Overconfident gentleman shows how to inflate a large tire by igniting gasoline in it Mark Frauenfelder