Oh snap! Ouch! TikToker tries to pet a snapping turtle — and guess what happens next? (video) Carla Sinclair
common sense Man tries to convince strangers that a wild fox is friendly. Then the fox bites his leg (video) Carla Sinclair
teeth Florida man infected with flesh-eating bacteria after being bitten by family member David Pescovitz
medical myths Ish sucks venom from a snakebite in Earth Abides. But experts agree: Don't do this! Carla Sinclair
Nara Park "Touron" knocked over and attacked by two irritated bucks — but was it really his fault? (video) Carla Sinclair
animals California teacher dies from rabies after a wild bat bites her in the classroom Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets The perfect gift for your favorite outdoor enthusiast is over 20% ahead of Black Friday Boing Boing's Shop
crime Atlanta man dies in shootout with deputies after "possible registration violation" and high-speed chase Rob Beschizza
when coyotes act like coyotes Tourist tries to befriend coyote — [chomp] — and learns painful lesson: "Ow! You motherf*cker!" (video) Carla Sinclair