Oh snap! Ouch! TikToker tries to pet a snapping turtle — and guess what happens next? (video) Carla Sinclair
common sense Man tries to convince strangers that a wild fox is friendly. Then the fox bites his leg (video) Carla Sinclair
teeth Florida man infected with flesh-eating bacteria after being bitten by family member David Pescovitz
eastern equine encephalitis Deadly mosquito virus kills a man near Boston, causing parks and events to shut down Carla Sinclair
outbursts Passenger misses her flight, blows a fuse, and hurls Frontier Airlines computer at worker (video) Carla Sinclair
kamala harris Secret Service team breaks into salon, uses it as a personal porta-potty, leaves without relocking door (video) Mark Frauenfelder
politics Trump supporters caught napping during rally; perhaps dreaming of a coherent speech Jason Weisberger
flying the friendly skies Bizarre: Angry United passenger bites flight attendant's shoulder — rips off piece of his shirt with her mouth (video) Carla Sinclair
sharks 14-year-old boy at Florida lifeguard camp needs to be rescued after a shark bites his leg Carla Sinclair
Protective mama elks Cow elk charges 8-year-old girl on bicycle near Colorado national park — then attacks her Carla Sinclair
Florida Florida man, er, priest did not want a church-goer to receive communion — so he bit her Carla Sinclair
politics West Virginia Secretary of State candidate bitten by snake while removing own campaign signs Natalie Dressed