happy mutants "Humble Caveman" excoriates "Yabba Dabba Douchebag" Tempe City Council members for their hypocrisy Jennifer Sandlin
A Gaudi Muass Sein I tried, and failed, to solve the mystery of the Tyrolean tongue choir Jennifer Sandlin
horror "The Substance"— an incredible, indelible, and viscerally inedible film I loved and will never watch again Natalie Dressed
movies How the movie Jaws inspired the creepy Friday the 13th "ki ki ki, ma, ma, ma" sound effect Allan Rose Hill
Boing Boing Gadgets This AI app can help you bring your song ideas to life for less than $43! Boing Boing's Shop
music Wonderful cover of New Order's "Blue Monday" played on vintage Casio instruments (video) Allan Rose Hill
france Catchy tune, performed by band that pours concrete at every concert, mocks undemocratic rule in French constitution Natalie Dressed
music The Kiffness is back with "I Go Meow," featuring Cala the cat, who is having an existential crisis Jennifer Sandlin
music In 1964, two teens complained about "obscene" "Louie, Louie" lyrics to Indiana governor — 50 years later a reporter tracked them down and asked why Mark Frauenfelder