coronavirus Fauci claims without evidence that Santa Claus possesses "innate immunity" to coronavirus Thom Dunn
christmas 5-year-old boy calls 911 to rat out the Grinch stealing Christmas, ends in arrest Rusty Blazenhoff
Boing Boing Gadgets For adventurers that want to see it all: night vision binoculars (yes, they arrive on time) Boing Boing's Shop
santa claus There is a school where Santa Claus learns how to answer heartbreaking requests Andrew Yi
War on Christmas officially over Trump brags that he saved Christmas from "crazy people" as seen in sappy interview with Huckabee Carla Sinclair
facial recognition Stolen guitar recovered after 45 years using facial recognition technology Thom Dunn
Sex The Bad Sex in Fiction Awards have been (kind-of) saved, courtesy of Electric Lit and a Bot Thom Dunn
fake news Hillary Clinton's funeral plans, and how to be like Donald Trump, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
fake news Where ISIS will strike next, FBI grills Malia Obama, and Prince Charles is a Killer, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan