pranks Florida officials warn citizens that Booty Patrol vehicle is not Border Patrol vehicle David Pescovitz
Andy Warhol A couple bought two Warhol pieces from a Florida gallery for $125,000 — a price too good to be true, literally Carla Sinclair
dea DEA issues warning about fake Xanax laced with fentanyl, doesn't mention its culpabilty Mark Frauenfelder
happy mutants Bunnie Huang's classic "Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen" is now free online Cory Doctorow
Business Before you ask your Chinese factory for a discount, make sure you won't be kidnapped and/or have your product cloned Cory Doctorow
apple Apple led the campaign to kill Right to Repair, now it's supplying parts to (some) independent repair shops Cory Doctorow
Science Artificial tongue's nanoscale "tastebuds" can sort real whisky from counterfeits more than 99% of the time Cory Doctorow
Business How Amazon's crackdown on dirty sellers has made it easier for dirty sellers to kill good sellers' accounts Cory Doctorow