mistakes Spokesman for elite Davos gathering say Elon Musk was not invited, after Musk claims to have turned them down Rob Beschizza
late stage capitalism The plane(t) has been hijacked by billionaires, and we're all passengers Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Davos audience erupts in uneasy laughter at mention of AOC's proposal for a 70% tax on income over $10,000,000 Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Winners Take All: the Davos Edition (how elites launder looting with phoney philanthropy) Cory Doctorow
class war The world's richest 2000 billionaires could wipe out extreme poverty with one seventh of what they gained last year Cory Doctorow
Ukraine Zelensky asks if Putin is even still alive, and the Kremlin snaps back without a real answer Carla Sinclair
Rich People Measuring their Schlongs Burning Man meets Davos at a "wealth festival" that says the quiet part out loud Jason Weisberger
info wars Alex Jones suggests Trump is a traitor for getting a booster: "Now we've got Trump on their team!" Carla Sinclair
politics Nicholas Kristof resigns from the New York Times, considering run for Oregon governor David Pescovitz
A Davos on Water Here comes the apocalypse: nuclear super villain's yacht being built "for the best and brightest" Jason Weisberger
Comic Books A Pulitzer Prize-winning nation security reporter explains why Magneto was right Thom Dunn
neuroscience Evidence of "character identification" found in the brains of Game of Thrones fans Claudia Dawson