Copyfight EU ISPs will slow parts of the Internet to a crawl if we don't stop bad net neutrality rules Tiffiny Chen, Fight for the Future
Boing Boing Gadgets Here's why I'm ditching Microsoft 365 for this Office license instead Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets Stop scrolling and start living with this AI-powered focus app Boing Boing's Shop
renewable energy Company gearing up to sell sunlight at night using orbiting mirrors Ellsworth Toohey
Weird Mr Beast rents out Giza's pyramids in possibly the most conspicuous consumption of all time Grant St. Clair
Business 40 years ago Austria wineries got caught sweetening wine with antifreeze, nearly killing the industry (and their customers) Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Gadgets Stop wasting money at the grocery store—become a BJ's member for just $20 Boing Boing's Shop
big tech Eoin Higgins'"Owned" is a harrowing history of the right-wing billionaire tech takeover Thom Dunn
Technology Anonymous investor pours millions into undersea community — "to live in the ocean, forever" Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Gadgets Give your home a serious revamp with this color-changing LED floor lamp Boing Boing's Shop