politics Lauren Boebert preaches Biblical apocalypse and "uprising of righteousness" Mark Frauenfelder
COVID-19 Texas televangelist who falsely linked pandemic to premarital sex dies of COVID-19 Xeni Jardin
apocalypse Convicted felon televangelist Jim Bakker had a bad dream, so buy his apocalyptic potato dust Xeni Jardin
Boing Boing Gadgets It's only February and I'm already so stressed out—here's how I calm my mind down Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets Here's how to impress your picky manager—with Microsoft Visio's diagramming tools Boing Boing's Shop
Business 40 years ago Austria wineries got caught sweetening wine with antifreeze, nearly killing the industry (and their customers) Ellsworth Toohey
Technology reCAPTCHA: 819 million hours of wasted human time and billions of dollars in Google profits Mark Frauenfelder
takeovers Musk's "top lieutenant" living in federal agency office with wife and kid, says worker (video) Carla Sinclair