entitled passengers Woman kicked off American Airlines flight is outraged, says she is "Instagram famous" (video) Carla Sinclair
jerks The artist who posted that horrible personal assistant ad was Tom Sachs, and now Nike has dumped him Mark Frauenfelder
michigan 'Epidemic of entitlement': Too many rude customers cause restaurant to shut hours early Carla Sinclair
racism Miya Ponsetto, who falsely accused a Black teen for stealing her phone, charged with hate crime Carla Sinclair
entitlement Newsmax host upset to be called "Male Karen" by McDonald's after insisting on lunch for breakfast Carla Sinclair
rowling J.K. Rowling claims Nazis didn't burn trans books, issues lawsuit threat when called a holocaust denier Rob Beschizza
King Charles dead in 6 months, and Biden & Trump "get down and dirty" in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
politics "Casey won't fly commercial": DeSantis campaign spent more on private jets than advertising Mark Frauenfelder
angry candidates Ron DeSantis resents that Donald Trump can skip debates while he can't: "He owes it to people" (video) Carla Sinclair
ron desantis DeSantis' fragile ego on display as he complains about media's treatment of his wife Mark Frauenfelder
fox news Eric Trump complains that New York is wasting time prosecuting his dad instead of arresting Tylenol thieves Mark Frauenfelder