sesame street A dark fan theory explores the illicit affair between Elmo's mom and his Uncle Jack Thom Dunn
jazz Watch Buddy Rich perform The Beatles' "Norwegian Wood" on The Ed Sullivan Show Mark Frauenfelder
politics GOP congressman retires after publication of text asking "ISIS bride" mistress to rim his ass Rob Beschizza
The Royal Mafia hit squad, the Royal heir and the Royal hair, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Sex Missouri GOP governor accused of blackmailing married lover with nude pics. His colleagues already hate his guts. Cory Doctorow
Daniel Ellsberg: If Gen. Petraeus won't serve a day in jail for his leaks, Edward Snowden shouldn't either. Xeni Jardin
timemachine This Day in Blogging History: Petraeus can't keep his drone in his pants; Ayers on life as a political football; Virtual merkins Cory Doctorow