first days of a better nation No one's coming – it's up to us: it's past time for technologists to be responsible to society Dan Hon
class war A socialist candidate for Minneapolis city council has broken all fundraising records through individual $25 donations Cory Doctorow
Science Stephen Fry's lecture on a hopeful, cautious, excited vision of a better technological world Cory Doctorow
politics Hamilton's eerie relevance to this moment in America's terrifying political journey Cory Doctorow
Entertainment "Chainsaw Jerry" reveals untold stories from Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie 50 years later Mark Cerulli
music Watch Talking Heads' delightfully quirky presentation of their eponymous category on Jeopardy! Jennifer Sandlin
debacles Swap out Biden? Morning Joe co-hosts butt heads, reflecting Democratic panic after disastrous debate (video) Carla Sinclair
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the dysfunctional House Democratic Congressman says enough with the BS — he's resigning Carla Sinclair