News Securus Technologies loves charging exorbitant fees for families to talk to incarcerated loved ones Yoy Luadha
infrastructure Inmate breaks through prison wall, to get to other inmate he wanted to attack Rob Beschizza
drugs After 7 Washington inmates overdose on fentanyl within 30 minutes, detectives find the source Carla Sinclair
makers Jail inmate crafted Christmas village model from commissary items, officers promptly confiscated it as contraband David Pescovitz
crime Man busted after purposely going to jail to sell drug-filled Kinder Surprise eggs smuggled in his butt David Pescovitz
health Mentally ill man jailed over $5 worth of snacks dies in cell after waiting months for mental health care Xeni Jardin
medical emergencies 27-year-old Trump advisor collapses on stage at Republican event (video) Carla Sinclair
LASD L.A. Sheriff's department denies involvement in death of detainee they claim never to have arrested Natalie Dressed