tabloids Scientology doomed, Royal family doomed, and Island of the Damned in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
art Artemizia Foundation in Bisbee, Arizona hosts a spectacular collection of contemporary, street, and graffiti art Jennifer Sandlin
irs Trump supporter faces felony charges for "accidental" double voting in previous two elections Mark Frauenfelder
Evacuations A fire at World Trade Center in Hong Kong traps hundreds of people on roof, 1200 people evacuated Carla Sinclair
singapore Las Vegas is making a fake Singaporean hawker food center inside a resort Mark Frauenfelder
puppets Incredible hand-carved marionettes of Bowie, Lemmy, Devo, Bootsy Collins, Hunter Thompson, and more David Pescovitz
animation Budfoot, starring psychedelic fantasy artist Skinner, delivers 420 cult movie excellence. Janelle Hessig
china After Hong Kong's leaders delay plan to render dissidents to mainland China, 2,000,000 Hong Kongers march and demand resignations Cory Doctorow