security After elderly tenant was locked in his apartment by his landlord's stupid "smart lock," tenants win right to use actual keys to enter their homes Cory Doctorow
Not-so-amusing amusement parks Man jumps out of moving roller coaster to save his life — and then gets yelled at by negligent ride operator Carla Sinclair
delightful creatures How is this puppy sneaking out of his crate? Camera catches the hilarious stunt — and his sly accomplice (video) Carla Sinclair
economics The Hobbit economy not bucolic utopia but tenant farming and ostentatious displays of clan wealth Rob Beschizza
Science Researchers create AI headphones that let you hear a single person in noisy crowds Mark Frauenfelder
News Spanish cops seize 68,000 gallons of inedible lamp oil about to be passed off as "olive oil" Jason Weisberger
Delightful Creatures Bear is asked to leave party; bear complies, but gets in one swipe on the way out Ruben Bolling