film "DOSED: The Trip of a Lifetime" follows microdosing mom with cancer; North American screenings begin April 21 Rusty Blazenhoff
marijuana Hey new cannabis users and microdosers: Pax's app stops you from getting too high Rusty Blazenhoff
lacrosse 3 Tufts University athletes still hospitalized after 45-minute workout with Navy Seal graduate went awry Carla Sinclair
we can't stop here this is bat country A study shows that expectancy effects may be the source of microdosing's benefits Jason Weisberger
psychedelics Netflix's 4-part adaptation of Michael Pollan's book on psychedelics, "How to Change Your Mind" Mark Frauenfelder
Microdosing LSD may be fun, but a new study shows it fails to deliver on those cognitive benefits Jason Weisberger
no room in the drug culture for amateurs Tech CEO who screwed up micro-dosing before a big meeting attributes his firing to other things Jason Weisberger
Science Crowdfunding controlled experiments with long-neglected, promising psychedelics Cory Doctorow