Business Senior DHS staffer who oversaw #KidsInCages and promoted the #MuslimBan is now a top Google employee Cory Doctorow
News U.S. to end restriction against grandmas & grandpas from nations in Trump's dumb Muslim ban Xeni Jardin
trump Trump goes feral on Muslim ban ruling, vows to destroy 9th Circuit court, crowds: "Lock Her Up!" Xeni Jardin
trump (UPDATE: Yep they reversed this too) Trump reverses vow to take #MuslimBan to U.S. Supreme Court Xeni Jardin
trump Ban on Trump's #MuslimBan upheld by U.S. Appeals Court in unanimous ruling. Next stop, Supreme Court? Xeni Jardin
trump Trump's #MuslimBan temporarily blocked nationwide by U.S. judge in Washington state Xeni Jardin
politics Hegseth forced to quit vet groups due to financial mismanagement, sexual misconduct, and public intoxication, says New Yorker Ellsworth Toohey