sizing up Kamala Harris hits Trump in his tender spot again — this time on his own Truth Social Carla Sinclair
"It's good." My father rates Disneyland's most hyped cookie: The Harbor Galley Chocolate Chip Jason Weisberger
parks You can climb on giant Little Debbie snack sculptures at this park in Tennessee Jennifer Sandlin
History Downright freaky Halloween costumes from a rural Scottish island in the 1930s (video) David Pescovitz
ice cream Indulge your inner child with Little Debbie snack cake-scented candles and snack cake-flavored ice cream Jennifer Sandlin
lawsuits Discount grocery store chain Aldi sued over "naturally flavored" cereal bars Jennifer Sandlin
MAGA cultists Seditious conspirator Stewart Rhodes' wife and eldest son on how they went about escaping him Gareth Branwyn
Ivanka Trump Watch: Ivanka Trump kicks off her rehabilitation tour by boasting of feeding starving Ukrainians Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets How becoming a new mom helped me make the switch to an amazing electric toothbrush Boing Boing's Shop