rides 10 photos from L.A.'s long-gone Pacific Ocean Park, a day out by the sea you'll never enjoy Chris Merritt
Technology Sweden begins construction of massive underground nuclear vault that will last 100,000 years Ellsworth Toohey
tabloids King Charles abdicates, Hollywood's most hated hunk, and Taylor Swift's engagement in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
canada Watch: Sea foam jiggles into Vancouver Island forest like something from another planet Carla Sinclair
lost and found Surfer finds lost 52-year-old Rolex underwater, returns the still-ticking watch to original owner Rusty Blazenhoff
News Hurricane Laura at 150mph winds, near Category 5 — Texas-Louisiana landfall expected Xeni Jardin
police The ACLU analyzed the number of police in schools compared to social workers, and the results are staggering Thom Dunn
fake news How a killer fled the FBI with a condom and hair remover, in this week's tabloids Peter Sheridan
animals Endangered and beloved Sumatran elephant Yongki killed in apparent ivory poaching Xeni Jardin
war Marshall Islands, site of largest-ever U.S. nuclear weapons test, sues 9 superpowers including USA Xeni Jardin