happy mutants To do in LA this Saturday: I'm speaking at the Pasadena Loves YA festival! Cory Doctorow
california crimes Violent road-raging Tesla driver up for parole after serving less than one-year of a five-year sentence Mark Frauenfelder
Real things that actually exist This terrifying flea market 'Funtime' find was almost mine Rusty Blazenhoff
interview Interview with Case Esparros, independent filmmaker and director of "The Absence of Milk in the Mouths of the Lost" Natalie Dressed
happy mutants The Doo Dah Parade is the "twisted sister of the conventional Rose Parade" Jennifer Sandlin
teeth Florida man infected with flesh-eating bacteria after being bitten by family member David Pescovitz
Billy Idol Billy Idol and Siouxsie Sioux reunite after 32 years; Adam Ant drops out of Cruel World festival Jennifer Sandlin
music Post-punk pioneer Siouxsie Sioux has returned to the stage after a decade and it's glorious (video) David Pescovitz
books In LA this weekend? Come to the California International Antiquarian Book Fair Mark Frauenfelder
california Adam Schiff joins the race for California's Senate seat; Senator Feinstein still on the fence Jason Weisberger