elon musk Elon Musk's desperate pursuit of Catturd2's approval: The cringey tweets of a billionaire Mark Frauenfelder
philanthropy Resource Generation: rich kids who are determined to give away their parents' money and make America more fair and equal Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Winners Take All: the Davos Edition (how elites launder looting with phoney philanthropy) Cory Doctorow
corruption The Sackler Family: best known for philanthropy, they made billions promoting Oxycontin Cory Doctorow
charity Rare coins and other valuables found in Salvation Army donation buckets across the US Allan Rose Hill
twitter Nazi cartoonist meets the Streisand Effect after Twitter censors discussion of his identity Rob Beschizza
india India's MrBeast 'kindness for clicks' stunt philanthropy videos raise questions Rusty Blazenhoff
tabloids Biden's woes, Prince Philip's secrets, and Tom Cruise's exploding face, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan