police A man told police a predator manipulated his 11-year-old daughter into sending pics. Columbus cops threatened the victim with jail for "making porn" Rob Beschizza
thugs for president Donald Trump pounces on Ron DeSantis during aftermath of Hurricane Idalia Carla Sinclair
predators Watch: Hostile bee snatches unsuspecting bumblebee in incredibly shot 6-second video Carla Sinclair
predators Painting fake eyes on cattle's butts reduces predation by large carnivores Mark Frauenfelder
News YouTube star Austin Jones faces prison after child porn guilty plea, coerced teen girls to perform sexual acts live online Xeni Jardin
cats The science of why cats like getting into boxes then peering menacingly over the edge Rob Beschizza
paleontology Meet Yana, the well-preserved 50,000-year-old baby mammoth, just unveiled in Russia Allan Rose Hill
Delightful Creatures Can California's carnivorous squirrels be stopped? It is too soon to know. Jason Weisberger
Science Here's a great new thing to worry about: "Mirror life" could destroy life on Earth Ruben Bolling