sleazy Jeb Bush's business experience: "My daddy is the president of the United States" Mark Frauenfelder
Copyfight Copyright trolls cut and run at suggestion that they're a front for disgraced firm Guardaley Cory Doctorow
Business Marvel to comics retailers: we'll give you limited edition singles if you destroy our competitors' products Cory Doctorow
Disney Woman dies from allergic reaction at Disneyland, but Disney says husband can't sue because he used Disney+ three years earlier Mark Frauenfelder
supreme court John Oliver offers corrupt Clarence Thomas a luxury RV and $1 million a year to "get the f*ck off the Supreme Court" Mark Frauenfelder
footage Here's an amazing video of the Steeplechase mechanical horse ride at Steeplechase Park, Coney Island, in the early 1900s. Popkin
religion Pastor Eli Regalado blames Jesus for bad crypto advice in $3.2M scam (video) Mark Frauenfelder