twitter Chase's idiotic poverty-shaming "inspirational" tweet, and Twitter users' magnificent responses thereto Cory Doctorow
class war Worst of McMansions: architectural criticism of inequality's most tangible evidence Cory Doctorow
Funny Reply to Tennessee prosecutor who doesn't want to be called "the Government" by defendant Cory Doctorow
politics Lauren Boebert wants 10 Commandments in schools so children know right from wrong Rob Beschizza
81-year-old retorts When a reporter mocks President Biden's age, Biden mocks him right back — into silence (video) Carla Sinclair
the gop Kevin McCarthy suggests Matt Gaetz — investigated for sex trafficking — "lies about who he sleeps with" (video) Carla Sinclair
ousted puppets McCarthy has choice words for ouster Gaetz, who hurls back a snarky retort (video) Carla Sinclair
AI Robot dog now speaks like a proper British butler or sarcastic American douche (video) David Pescovitz
humor Denise, heaven's receptionist, is helping people through the grieving process with humor and kindness Jennifer Sandlin