world records This woman broke a burping record with a belch louder than a motorcycle (video) David Pescovitz
revenge Police investigate man who delivered 'revenge fart' after woman said no to sex David Pescovitz
Tom The Dancing Bug TOM THE DANCING BUG: Super-Fun-Pak, with Tim Tripp, Time Traveller, and MORE! Ruben Bolling
david cronenberg Watch David Cronenberg's "Four Unloved Women, Adrift on a Purposeless Sea, Experience the Ecstasy of Dissection" (2023), featuring four 18th-century life-size wax anatomical models Jennifer Sandlin
Boing Boing Gadgets Go back to high school with these classes on anatomy and physiology Boing Boing's Shop
toilets New magazine all about restrooms publishes a growing list of bathroom codes in NYC and beyond David Pescovitz