sex toys Bomb squad called in after jogger finds "hand grenade" BUTT it wasn't actually that David Pescovitz
Science Man inserts eel into his bum — then needs rescuing when eel slithers into stomach and starts chewing away Allan Rose Hill
News The far-right Zoombombing hate speech crisis in town halls: "a deliberate tactic being employed to remove people's ability to engage democratically" Mark Frauenfelder
King Charles dead in 6 months, and Biden & Trump "get down and dirty" in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
tabloids Covid cover-up, UFO cover-up, and Trump's sadistic sex tapes in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
anti-lgbtq Budweiser clears out workers after bomb threat over Mulvaney controversy — which could be good for profits Carla Sinclair
military U.S. Air Force not keen to explain why it fired a Colonel and five others at nuclear base Rob Beschizza