archaeology Vikings didn't invent those iconic horned helmets and probably never wore them David Pescovitz
archaeology This 2,500-year-old Chinese sword looks like "something from the J.R.R. Tolkien universe that has entered the actual historical record" Ellsworth Toohey
stunts that backfire Ronald McDonald Trump blasted with 1-star reviews, forcing Yelp to shut down McDonald's comments Carla Sinclair
christian heritage sites The most incredible sculpture I've ever seen: The Chronicle of Georgia Natalie Dressed
donald trump Wake up and smell the autocracy — Trump is serious about dismantling American democracy Ellsworth Toohey
fox news Tucker Carlson humiliates himself by denying evolution on Joe Rogan podcast Mark Frauenfelder
creature from the black lagoon Donald Trump's "mud brown" face compared to grotesque monster in scathing 5-minute MSNBC segment (video) Carla Sinclair
donald trump Comrade Mike Johnson takes orders from his leader Vladimir Putin: Ukraine aid sits in limbo Mark Frauenfelder