rube goldberg A conveyor-belt contraption that messily applies deodorant, washes hair, and puts on lotion Rusty Blazenhoff
Science Incredible Science Machine team seeks Rube Goldberg record with chain reaction gizmo Xeni Jardin
politics According to Pizzagate conspiracy theorists, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Pizza Hut boxes are encouraging Satanic ritual abuse Jennifer Sandlin
video games Square Enix added an AI-powered text parser to an old-school adventure game. Reactions are mixed Grant St. Clair
Boing Boing Gadgets Start holiday shopping for Dad before Prime Day with this deal on a $20 Pocket ChainSaw Boing Boing's Shop
food poisoning A dozen subscribers to a celebrity-backed meal kit company have had organ removal surgery after eating "French Lentil + Leek Crumbles" Mark Frauenfelder
what could go wrong? Sticking a cardboard sign into the path of Tour de France riders: what could go wrong? Mark Frauenfelder
Delightful Creatures Watch squirrel enjoy bounty of nuts after it sets off Rube Goldberg machine Carla Sinclair