books "Amusing Ourselves to Death" was a 1985 wake-up call we didn't know we'd need forty years later Mark Frauenfelder
archaeology Archaeologist braves the Joe Rogan podcast to counter Graham Hancock's nonsense Jennifer Sandlin
twitter Twitter CEO praises Musk's bizarre "Go f*ck yourself" meltdown in memo to staff Mark Frauenfelder
climate change Smash Mouth wrote "All Star" to warn us about climate change & anti-intellectualism and we turned it into a meme Thom Dunn
a whale of a fail, me lads Phase three is profit: Yaccarino on the brilliance of Musk's rebrand Jason Weisberger
psychedelics Netflix's 4-part adaptation of Michael Pollan's book on psychedelics, "How to Change Your Mind" Mark Frauenfelder
toxic masculinity Someone pulled their dick out: 2022 Grammy winner Louis C.K. and the #MeToo movement Maureen Herman
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