COVID-19 Sex ed teacher explains how to tell someone to wear a mask (like you should tell someone to wear a condom) David Pescovitz
donald trump Donald Trump's expensive, chaotic, no good, very bad deportation debacle Jason Weisberger
politics Condoms blow up in Trump's face, Elon's space rescue, and other stupid things Jason Weisberger
politics California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoes free condoms for high school teens, allows retailers to refuse to sell them Rob Beschizza
medieval times University of Idaho sent email to staff advising against abortion talk and birth control access – or else! Carla Sinclair
Drugs Store Cowboy Walgreens allows employees to pick and choose who gets birth control Jason Weisberger
sex-ed in a basket Oops! A parent accidentally handed out Easter eggs stuffed with condoms to elementary school kids Carla Sinclair
Spoken Word with Electronics DEA releases chart of 'Dangerous Emojis' used to buy drugs Ethan Persoff