Business After Trump reversed Obama's restrictions on private federal prisons, states started banning them instead Cory Doctorow
barack obama Watch MAGA candidate squirm when asked to autograph her violent Obama tweets Ellsworth Toohey
politics Colleagues claim Project 2025's Kevin Roberts boasted of killing dog with shovel to stop it barking Rob Beschizza
corruption Cop who refused to honor the "get out of jail" cards that NYPD officers sell wins $175k settlement after retaliation Rob Beschizza
lawsuits Donald Trump and Elon Musk sued by United Auto Workers union after last night's debacle: "Scabs" Carla Sinclair
vanity plates DEZNUUTZ, 2HI, VENMO, and 3,000 other vanity license plates rejected by New York's DMV David Pescovitz
fun "This site will self-destruct" finally self-destructs after no-one signs guestbook for 24 hours Rob Beschizza
police Four L.A. Sheriff's deputies killing themselves hours apart just a coincidence, says department Rob Beschizza
gadgets HP covers printer's USB port with warning sticker to make sure you don't go right ahead and use it Rob Beschizza