News 'Protector' Trump jokes about a woman getting 'the hell knocked out of her' when she gets home (video) Carla Sinclair
domestic abuse Lauren Boebert's son called 911 accusing his father of "throwing me around" the house Carla Sinclair
music Watch: 40 Irish women artists sing 'Dreams' by The Cranberries to raise funds for domestic abuse victims Xeni Jardin
911 Smart 911 operator realizes a caller asking for a pizza is reporting domestic abuse Mark Frauenfelder
security Once again, a stalkerware company's had its servers pwned and wiped by a hacker who thinks they're selling an immoral product Cory Doctorow
Kids Survey: nearly half think it may be legal to install spyware on a family member's devices Cory Doctorow
Business A look inside the shady world of Flexispy, makers of "stalkerware" for jealous spouses Cory Doctorow
surveillance Hackers shut down stalkerware companies that spy for spouses and parents, delete and dump their files Cory Doctorow
I am the ambassador of kick your ass-itor Werewolf aspirant Herschel Walker nominated US ambassador to The Bahamas Jason Weisberger
Entertainment The first episode of "The Honeymooners" is a deeply disturbing drama about a toxic relationship Ellsworth Toohey
weird news "How is babby formed?" Prison officials at a loss to understand how inmate got pregnant Mark Frauenfelder
law Iowa cops falsely arrested a teen, then sued him after he posted the bodycam video and mocked them online Rob Beschizza