dangerous pranks Food cans are dropping from top of 23-story building in Portland, nearly hitting people as they walk by Carla Sinclair
tabloids Covid cover-up, UFO cover-up, and Trump's sadistic sex tapes in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
music Hyperpop duo 100 gecs serves up Doritos and Fritos Pie at San Francisco's Outside Lands Lux Sparks-Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets This Starchive 1TB cloud storage account doesn't just hold your content – it curates it Boing Boing's Shop
climate The DHS classes nonviolent environmental activists in the same "domestic terrorist" category as Dylan Roof and James Fields Cory Doctorow
politics Nikki Haley: Confederate flag meant 'service, sacrifice, heritage' until Dylann Roof 'hijacked' it Xeni Jardin
trumpism State department official alleged be behind white nationalist terror-supporter pseudonym: "[Whites] need a country of our own with nukes" Cory Doctorow
class war The GOP tax plan was supposed to gouge high tax blue states with massive hikes, but it'll probably end up making them richer Cory Doctorow
fake news JFK's killer, Michael Jackson's ghost, and Meghan Markle's halibut, in this week's tabloids Peter Sheridan