face palm Fox News hosts complain that gas prices are dropping too fast, but also not fast enough Jason Weisberger
face palm CNN shares yet another video of Colorado's Lauren Boebert doing her racist routine Jason Weisberger
Entertainment Shigeru Miyamoto reflects on Donkey Kong's 40+ year history with a tour through Donkey Kong Country at Super Nintendo World Ellsworth Toohey
florida Florida killer clown who murdered husband's then-wife completes her 18-month prison term Rob Beschizza
bizarre competitions Wolfing down scalding hot biscuits and other weird contests from 1897 Mark Frauenfelder
America Send your 5-year-old to Chick-fil-A summer camp to learn how to "take a guest order" and "box" their "own nuggets" Jennifer Sandlin
interview Interview with Case Esparros, independent filmmaker and director of "The Absence of Milk in the Mouths of the Lost" Natalie Dressed
white supremacists in america Nick Fuentes gives Nazi salute, says he will do anything for Trump — even torture and kill Carla Sinclair
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