ancient history Egyptian mummy believed to be male priest turns out to be a pregnant female Thom Dunn
music A musician couple used biosonic MIDI technology to convert their baby's ultrasound into music Thom Dunn
politics More than 200 women charged with pregnancy crimes since Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade Rob Beschizza
Science Research is suggesting we don't just inherit genes from our parents: "experiences can lead to changes in gene expression" Ruben Bolling
science fiction Author Rudy Rucker says bots doing your job might be a blessing, not a curse Mark Frauenfelder
Weird The Testut-Latarjet Museum in Lyon, France is a must-see for lovers of the weird and the macabre Popkin
GOP Family Values Ohio GOP officials denied abortions to at least two more raped children who got pregnant Mark Frauenfelder
the good liars How is Bible pro-life if God turned pregnant women away from ark? Man at March for Life rally is stumped Carla Sinclair
Tom The Dancing Bug The wait's almost over! Volume 6 of the Complete Tom the Dancing Bug is coming out soon Boing Boing