italian A 79-year-old man in Vermont is a 20th-generation Italian stone carver, and he's the last one left Rusty Blazenhoff
pyramids A plausible theory for what the entrance vault to the Great Pyramid might be and what's likely behind it Gareth Branwyn
reddit Bamboo gone wild and neighbors from hell: Redditors share homeowning nightmares Mark Frauenfelder
"Ding ding ding ding ... psheem pfoom" Incoherent Trump slurs and resorts to sound effects as confusion continues (video) Carla Sinclair
"2-person race" Surprising new poll: Haley and Trump tied in New Hampshire (with DeSantis near 0%) Carla Sinclair
short-tempered losers Ron DeSantis is close to rock bottom in new poll — even lower than Chris Christie Carla Sinclair
pay it forward Billionaire hands UMass Boston grads $1000 in cash with their diploma Rusty Blazenhoff
gop Georgia GOP Chair is a flat-earther and says we are being brainwashed by "globes everywhere" Mark Frauenfelder
Ancient Apocalpyse Archaeologist David Wengrow pushes back against Ancient Apocalypse—and urges us to consider the power of everyday people Jennifer Sandlin
History Exclusive interview with Matt LaCroix and Kaedrich Olsen about Gaia's Ancient Civilizations fourth season Devin Nealy
Georgia Guidestones If you're like me and can't get enough of the Georgia Guidestones, here are a couple of new resources to occupy your time Jennifer Sandlin