iran The temperature in Iran reached 126°F, the hottest recorded on Earth this year Mark Frauenfelder
Science Spectacular celestial image of a newborn star's dust looks like a 1990s psychedelic rave flier Allan Rose Hill
climate change We've officially passed the 1.5° global warming limit we've been warned about for years Thom Dunn
Meow Wolf Otherworldly radio station crashes into Houston: Meow Wolf's mind-bending new exhibit Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Gadgets Say goodbye to night sweats with these luxe bamboo-blend sheets! Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Shop Get this 3-in-1 portable air conditioner for only $95.99 ahead of summer Boing Boing's Shop
natural disasters Massive rogue wave crashes through restaurant doors in Marshall Islands (video) Mark Frauenfelder